Rocz Panstw Zakl Hig 1999, 50(4): 385-390

Zawartość azotanów (V) i (III) w racjach pokarmowych studentów Wyższej Szkoły Morskiej w Gdyni
[The content of nitrates and nitrites in dietary rations of students of Gdynia maritime academy]

M. Śmiechowska , P. Przybyłowski


The content of nitrates (V) and (III) in dietary rations of Gdynia Maritime Academy students was determined. A variable content of examined compounds was detected. Average content of nitrates (V) was 224,92 mg NaN03/person/day, whereas of nitrates (III) 2,14 mg NaN02/ person/day.

Liczba pobrań: 2063