Rocz Panstw Zakl Hig 2000, 51(1): 37-41

Zawartość azotanów i glikoalkaloidów w dojrzałych bulwach ziemniaka jadalnego
[Content of nitrates and glycoalcaloids in mature tubers of Polish potato table cultivars]

W. Mazurczyk , B. Lis


Nitrates and glycoalcaloids (TGA) content in mature tubers of 29 potato table cultivars of different earliness were examined during 1992-1998. Excess of nitrates (more than 250 mg NaN03/kg of product - the upper limit for food safety in Poland) was found in 24 tuber samples what makes 16% of total number (154) tested samples. Samples with the highest amounts of nitrates belonged mainly to very early and early cultivars. TGA concentrations lower than the upper limit TGA for food safety (200 mg/kg of product) were estimated in all 129 tested tuber samples. Only in 8 samples TGA content was between 100 and 140 mg/kg of product what could cause bitter taste.

Liczba pobrań: 1668