Rocz Panstw Zakl Hig 1996, 47(4): 415-421

Metodyka oznaczania migracji globalnej z opakowań z tworzyw sztucznych do płynów modelowych imitujących środki spożywcze z zawartością tłuszczu, zgodnie z zaleceniami Komisji EWG
[The method of determination of global migration from plastic packing materials into model fluids simulating food products containing fat according to the directives of the EEC Committee]

I. Lewandowska, A. Stelmach, U. Biernat, M. Jurkiewicz


A method is described for determination of global migration into model fluids simulating food products with fat of isooctane, 50% and 96% ethanol from 33 samples of foils and laminates used for food packing. Bag, chamber, immersion and padding methods were used. Most samples complied with the requirements of the EEC Directives and the used method is simple and convenient. It should be introduced promptly for routine control of packing materials in the laboratories of the Province Sanitary-Epidemiological Stations.

Liczba pobrań: 1838