Rocz Panstw Zakl Hig 1995, 46(1): 67-70

Metoda przygotowywania skali wzorców do kolorymetrycznego oznaczania ozonu w powietrzu
[Methods of standards preparation for the colorimetric determination of ozone in the atmosphere]

T. M. Janowski, W. Sztark


A new simple method of standards preparation for the colorimetric determination of “natural ozone” in the atmosphere in field conditions has been developed. An exactly known quantity of alcoholic iodine solution, adequate with respect to the stechiometrie quantity of ozone is deposited on the iodinestarch papers. In the comparison of the colours of these spots with the papers. In the comparison of the colours of these spots with the papers saturated with a mixture of drawing inks (burnt sienna), a scale of constant standards was obtained for ozone determination in air by the iodometric method. The direct placing of a definite quantity of iodine on iodinestarch papers enabls the determination of small ozone concentrations (0,2 to 7 /jg/m3) and brought about an essential increase in the accuracy and precision of the method.

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