Rocz Panstw Zakl Hig 1997, 48(1): 31-35

Aktywność mutagenna pyłów powietrza atmosferycznego w Warszawie
[Mutagenic activity of atmospheric dust in Warsaw]

A. Krogulski, M. Borkowska, A. Strusiński


The results are presented of the studies of the mutagenic activity of dust samples in atmospheric air in Warsaw in the heating and non-heating seasons. Dust samples were obtained with a Staplex-type device continuously during 24 hours. The dust collected on the filters was extracted with cyclohexana. The devaporized and dried extract, that is the so called tar substances, were the material for further studies. The mutagenic activity of the studied samples was determined using a modification of the test of somatic mutation and recombination (SMART) on Drosophila melanogaster. The crosebred strain mwh x ORR: flr3ATM3, Ser specially prepared for the research of WAA was used. The dust in atmospheric air of Warsaw showed mutagenic activity which was higher in samples taken in the heating season.  

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