Rocz Panstw Zakl Hig 2000, 51(3): 229-239

Wielkość spożycia chlordanu z żywnością pochodzenia morskiego w Polsce
[Chlordane intake with seafood in Poland]

J. Falandysz


An attempt has been made to assess intake of chlordanes (CHLs) with seafood in Poland in 1970-1998. The average mean weighted concentration of chlordanes in Baltic fish has been calculated for 9.0 ng/g wet weight in herring and sprat, 0,63 ng/g wet weight in cod flesh, 1.2 ng/g in flatfish and 5.7 ng/g in other edible fishes. Intake of chlordanes with fish in Poland has been assessed for 31 to 47 µg/person/year, i.e. from 0.09 to 0.13 |ig/person/day.

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