Rocz Panstw Zakl Hig 1997, 48(2): 145-148

Ocena biodostępności beta-karotenu z wybranych warzyw uprawianych konwencjonalnie i ekologicznie
[Assesment of the bioavailability of beta-carotene from certain vegetables grown by conventional and ecological methods]

A. Gronowska-Senger, M. Dudek, J. Pierzynowska


The availability of be/a-carotene was studied from carrots and sorrel grown by conventional and ecological methods. The vegetables were bought in the market and in a shop with ecological food, and they had Ekoland atests. The bioavailability was determined by the hepatic test. No significant effect of growing method of the studied vegetables on beta-carotene bioavailability was found.

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