Rocz Panstw Zakl Hig 1995, 46(4): 349-355

Badania zawartości azotanów i azotynów w wybranych warzywach surowych oraz poddanych obróbce termicznej
[Studies on the contents of nitrates and nitrites in selected fresh and thermal processed vegetables]

A. Markowska, A. Kotkowska, W. Furmanek, L. Gackowska, B. Siwek, E. Kacprzak-Strzałkowska, A. Błońska


The levels of nitrates and nitrites were determined in fresh vegetables and the same products subjected to culinary processing such as boiling. Nitrates were reduced on a cadmium column to nitrites, where upon they were determined colorimetrically using sulphanilic acid and N-l-naphthyl-ethylenediamine. Thermal processing of these vegetables reduced the level of nitrates by about 50% and the nitrites loss reached even 100%.

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